Rhodes Car Audio - Soundcrash Sarikas - Professional Sound - Car Sunscreens - Lantern Cleaning - Lantern Dehumidification - Polyester Car Constructions - Archangelos Rhodes

Rhodes Car Audio - Soundcrash Sarikas - Professional Sound - Car Sunscreens - Lantern Cleaning - Lantern Dehumidification - Polyester Car Constructions - Archangelos Rhodes

19687 Visitors:
Address: Archangel of Rhodes
Area: Dodekanisa
Telephone: 2244029090
Mobile: 6930498153
P.C.: 85102
Category: AUDIO – HI-FI
Fax: -
Responsible: -
Responsible phone: -
Our company Sound Crash Sarikas has been by your side for years and provides you with installation services for sound systems, sunscreens and other repairs and improvements.   Together with our well-trained engineers we undertake every task assigned to us regardless of size and difficulty. More specifically we undertake: Car Audio Systems Car Sunscreens Lantern cleaning Lantern defogging Polyester Car Constructions   We use only high quality products to ensure the...
19687 Visitors:

Archangel of Rhodes, Dodekanisa

19687 Visitors:

Our company Sound Crash Sarikas has been by your side for years and provides you with installation services for sound systems, sunscreens and other repairs and improvements.


Together with our well-trained engineers we undertake every task assigned to us regardless of size and difficulty.

More specifically we undertake:

Car Audio Systems
Car Sunscreens
Lantern cleaning
Lantern defogging
Polyester Car Constructions


We use only high quality products to ensure their quality and longevity.


Our goal is the satisfaction of all your wishes and the delivery of a complete work meticulous in the smallest detail


Car Audio Systems
Car Sunscreens
Lantern cleaning
Lantern defogging
Polyester Car Constructions
Professional Sound
19687 Visitors:

Archangel of Rhodes

Telephone: 2244029090
Mobile: 6930498153

Working Hours
